Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Coaching from the Winter Olympics

We're only a few days into the Winter Olympics and there are already some gems from the people taking part. Today's comment is from British skiier, Chemmy Alcott. The 23-year-old from Twickenham placed 19th in the Super Giant Slalom (Super-G).

"The conditions didn't suit me, but that's something I have to learn to deal with," Alcott said. "I can't use that as an excuse. This is the Olympics: you get given a hill and you just have to race...But I'm not disappointed because I went as hard as I could, and that's a really good attitude to take into any race. I think this shows that I can still be a world-class skier.""

What a great attitude! Well done Chemmy!

For the full article click here.