Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Girls! Flirt your way to the top!

We've all heard about the 'casting couch' and most of us wouldn't go as far as sleeping our way to the top, but is there really any harm in fluttering a few eyelashes and the odd provocative comment to get ourselves noticed at work?

Well, as viewers of tonight's opening episode of the new UK series of The Apprentice will find out, you can actually end up doing yourself more harm than good.

Women have battled with sexism in the workplace for long enough, without encouraging sexual attention at work. Apart from annoying other people and alienating your female colleagues, you can find yourself passed over for promotion simply because male bosses don't want to be perceived as giving you any 'special favours'.

So what can you do?
  • Keep conversations at work on a strictly business level and keep conversations about extra-curricular activities clean!
  • Don't get drawn into office banter that has sexual undertones (it's better to be thought a prude than the opposite)
  • When dressing for work, think stylish rather than sexy
  • Leave the short skirts, tight tops and high heels to the weekend

Yes, you may have worked hard to get the figure you have and may strongly believe in Girl Power, but surely it's better to get ahead based on your merits than how you look or who you flirt with.